Un security council resolution 1973 pdf file

It was adopted unanimously by the united nations security council on 24 march 2007. The third clause, interpreted to mean american or soviet rather than united nations auspices, helped to establish the framework for the geneva peace conference held in december 1973. Calls upon all parties to the present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity immediately, no later than 12 hours after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions they now occupy. Adopted by the security council at its 8389th meeting, on 5 november 2018 the security council, recalling the arms embargo, travel ban, assets freeze and measures concerning illicit oil exports which were imposed and modified by resolutions 1970 2011, 1973 2011, 2009 2011, 2040 2012, 2095 20, 2144 2014, 2146 2014. Welcomes the agreement on disengagement be tween israeli and syrian forces, negotiated in imple mentation of security council resolution 338 1973 of 22 october 1973. The government of the syrian arab republic is failing in that responsibility through its refusal to give consent to humanitarian organizations to use all means at their disposal, including the. Imposes additional measures in connection with the situation in the libyan arab jamahiriya. List of united nations resolutions concerning israel. United nations sres1593 2005 security council distr general 31 march 2005 0529273 e 0529273 resolution 1593 2005 adopted by the security council at its 5158th meeting, on 31 march 2005 the security council, taking note of the report of the international commission of inquiry on. How far does the resolution permit the coalition now acting in libya to go. This was a resolution extending the sanctions regime and mandate of the panel of experts until 31 may 2020. Security council resolution 1973 2011 on the situation. United nations sres1747 2007 security council distr general 24 march 2007 0728140 e 0728140 resolution 1747 2007 adopted by the security council at its 5647th meeting on 24 march 2007 the security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, of 29 march 2006. Resolution 1973 is a welldrafted legal blueprint that provides intervening forces with.

Reaffirms that iran shall without further delay take the steps required by. Operative paragraph 4, hun security council resolution 1973h, 17 march 2011. The security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, and its resolutions 1696 2006, 1737 2006, 1747 2007, 1803 2008, 1835 2008, and 1929. When the united nations security council adopted resolution 1973 on march 17, 2011, the world witnessed a brief moment of legal and moral clarity. Deploring the failure of the libyan authorities to comply with. The permanent ones search for maximum flexibility, david bosco, 75 4 china in the security council, zhu wenqi and. What the rules of engagement are in libya, and how far coalition. The security council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. United nations security council resolution 1973, on the situation in libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 march 2011. United nations sres2334 2016 security council distr general 23 december 2016 resolution 2334 2016 adopted by the security council at its 7853 rd meeting, on 23 december 2016 the security council, reaffirming its relevant resolutions, including resolutions 242 1967, 338. The security council resolution was proposed by france, lebanon, and the united kingdom ten security council members voted in the affirmative bosnia and herzegovina, colombia, gabon, lebanon, nigeria, portugal, south africa, and permanent.

On october 22, 1973, the united nations security council adopted resolution 338 called for a ceasefire in the yom kippur war to take almost immediate effect. Decisions and actions, peter wallensteen and patrik johansson 27 part 1 competing interests on the security council 3 the united states in the security council, stephen john stedman 57 3. Libya and the united nations security council resolution. Security council distr general 26 february 2011 1124558 e 1124558 resolution 1970 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6491st meeting, on 26 february 2011 the security council, expressing grave concern at the situation in the libyan arab jamahiriya and condemning the violence and use of force against civilians. Final report of the panel of experts on libya established pursuant to security council resolution 1973 2011 s2019914. Condemns in the strongest terms the ballistic missile launch conducted by the dprk on 28 november 2017 in violation and flagrant disregard of the security councils resolutions. The threeline united nations security council resolution 338, adopted on october 22, 1973, called for a ceasefire in the yom kippur war in accordance with a joint proposal by the united states and the soviet union. Title resolution 326 1973 adopted by the security council at its 1691st meeting, of 2 february 1973. Resolution 1973 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6498th meeting, on 17 march 2011 the security council, recalling its resolution 1970 2011 of 26 february 2011, deploring the failure of the libyan authorities to comply with resolution 1970 2011, expressing grave concern at the deteriorating situation, the escalation of. On the 17 february 2011, soon after the outbreak of protests in egypt and tunisia, which marked the beginning of the arab spring, libyans in benghazi joined in peaceful protests against the oppressive rule of colonel muammar gaddafi. The next day the security council met again and adopted a resolution setting up a united nations emergency force for the middle east. Title, security council resolution 1973 2011 on the situation in the libyan arab jamahiriya. United nations security council resolution 1747 was a united nations security council resolution that tightened the sanctions imposed on iran in connection with the iranian nuclear program. Resolutions adopted by the security council in 1973.

The security council, having considered the letter of 28 may 1980 from the representative of pakistan, the current chairman of the organization of the islamic conference, as contained in document s966 of 28 may 1980, reaffirming that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible. Acting under chapter vii of the charter of the united nations. Calls upon the parties concerned to start immediately after the ceasefire the implementation of security council resolution 242 1967 in all of its parts. Security council resolutions 1696 2006 and 1737 2006, mindful of its primary responsibility under the charter of the united nations for the maintenance of international peace and security, acting under article 41 of chapter vii of the charter of the united nations, 1. United nations sres29 2014 security council distr general 22 february 2014 resolution 29 2014 1424339 e 1424339 adopted by the security council at its 7116th meeting, on 22 february 2014 the security council, recalling its resolutions 2042 2012, 2043 2012 and. The resolution stipulated a cease fire to take effect within 12 hours of the adoption of the resolution. United nations security council resolution 1973 wikipedia.

United nations s res2171 2014 security council distr general 21 august 2014 resolution 1459579 e 1459579 2171 2014 adopted by the security council at its 7247th meeting, on 21 august 2014 the security council, recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its president on. United nations security council 1967 resolution 242, 22 november 1967, sres242. Humanitarian assistance and the security council israel law. Final report of the panel of experts on libya established pursuant to resolution 1973 2011 security situation. United nations security council resolution 1747 wikipedia. Whereas, pursuant to the said article 108, the general assembly of the united nations adopted on 20 december 1971 an amendment to article 61 of the charter of the united nations as. Resolution 338 1973 united nations digital library system.

United nations, including all the permanent members of the security council. General sres1244 1999 10 june 1999 resolution 1244 1999 adopted by the security council at its 4011th meeting, on 10 june 1999 the security council, bearing in mind the purposes and principles of the charter of the united nations, and the primary responsibility of the security council for the. United nations sres 1973 2011 security council distr general 17 march 2011 1126839 e 1126839 resolution 1973 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6498th meeting, on 17 march 2011 the security council, recalling its resolution 1970 2011 of 26 february 2011. United nations sres1593 2005 security council distr general 31 march 2005 0529273 e 0529273 resolution 1593 2005 adopted by the security council at its 5158th meeting, on 31 march 2005 the security council, taking note of the. On 17 march the security council adopted resolution 1973 2011 which authorizes the use of force in libya to protect civilians from attack, specifically in the eastern city of benghazi, which colonel muammar alqadhafi has reportedly said he will storm tonight to. United nations resolutions are formal expressions of the opinion or will of united nations organs. United nations security council resolution 1973, on the situation in libya, is a measure that. Calls upon the parties concerned to start immediately after the ceasefire the implementation of security council resolution 242 1967. I spent much of yesterday conducting interviews with the media about the situation in libya. Full text of unsc resolution 2334, demanding israel stop. Security council approves nofly zone over libya, authorizing all necessary measures to protect civilians, by vote of 10 in favour with 5 abstentions. Title resolution 338 1973 adopted by the security council at its 1747th meeting, of 22 october 1973. Since the creation of the council in 2006, it has resolved almost more resolutions condemning israel than on the rest of the world combined. Recalling its resolution 1970 2011 of 26 february 2011.

Interpretation of security council resolution 1973. This resolution renewed the mandate of unmiss until 15 march 2021. Other titles security council resolution 326 1973 on acts of provocation by southern rhodesia against zambia. As of 20, israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the united nations human rights council. United nations sres29 2014 security council distr general 22 february 2014 resolution 29 2014 1424339 e 1424339 adopted by the security council at its 7116th meeting, on 22 february 2014 the security council, recalling its resolutions 2042 2012, 2043 2012 and 2118 20, and its. Other titles security council resolution 338 1973 on a ceasefire in the middle east.

Takes note of the secretarygenerals report and the annexes thereto and his statement. However, it is security council resolution 21652014, related to the situation in syria, that has brought the role of the security council to. The security council, recalling its resolutions 338 1973. They generally consist of two clearly defined sections. Resolution 338 1973 of 22 october 1973 the security council 1. This was a resolution extending the mandate of unmiss for an additional year. Countries in light green are the states that voted for the resolution. United nations s res2171 2014 security council distr general 21 august 2014 resolution 1459579 e 1459579 2171 2014 adopted by the security council at its 7247th meeting, on 21 august 2014 the security council, recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of.

Calls upon all parties to the present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity im mediately, no later than 12 hours after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions they now occupy. Security council 6498th meeting and full text of resolution 1973 2011. Sres344 1973 peace conference in middle east sres343 1973 the cyprus question sres342 1973 the situation in namibia sres341 1973 establishment of the united nations emergency force. Sres2206 2015 resolution 2206 2015 adopted by the security council at its 7396th meeting, on 3 march 2015 the security council, recalling its previous resolutions and statements on south sudan, in particular resolutions 2057 2012, 2109 20, 22 20, 2155 2014 and 2187 2014, expressing grave alarm and concern regarding the conflict between the government of the. Over the years, the security council has on several occasions dealt with humanitarian assistance issues. The following is a list of united nations resolutions concerning israel. Full text of unsc resolution 2334, demanding israel stop all settlement activity approved on december 23 by 140, with us abstaining. The security council resolution was proposed by france, lebanon, and the united kingdom. Full text of unsc resolution 2334, demanding israel stop all. Security council distr general 8 january 2009 0920432 e 0920432 resolution 1860 2009 adopted by the security council at its 6063rd meeting, on 8 january 2009 the security council, recalling all of its relevant resolutions, including resolutions 242 1967, 338 1973, 97 2002, 1515 2003 and 1850 2008. United nations security council resolutions1973 wikisource.

United nations s res2231 2015 security council distr general 20 july 2015 resolution 2231 2015 adopted by the security council at its 7488th meeting, on 20 july 2015. Sres2206 2015 resolution 2206 2015 adopted by the security council at its 7396th meeting, on 3 march 2015 the security council, recalling its previous resolutions and statements on south sudan, in particular resolutions 2057 2012, 2109 20, 22 20, 2155 2014 and 2187 2014, expressing grave alarm and concern regarding the conflict between. The security council, having considered the letter of 28 may 1980 from the representative of pakistan, the current chairman of the organization of the islamic conference, as contained in document s966 of 28 may 1980, reaffirming that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, bearing in mind the specific status of jerusalem and, in particular, the need for. United nations security council 1973 resolution 338, 22 october 1973, sres338. Resolution 1173 1998 adopted by the security council at its 3891st meeting, on 12 june 1998 the security council, reaffirming its resolution 696 1991 of 30 may 1991 and all subsequent relevant resolutions, in particular resolution 1127 1997 of 28 august 1997, reaffirming its firm commitment to preserve the unity, sovereignty and. Decides that, if a member state has information regarding the number, name, and registry of vessels encountered in its territory or on the high seas that are designated by the security council or by the committee as subject to the asset freeze imposed by paragraph 8d of resolution 1718 2006, the various measures imposed by paragraph 12 of. Resolution 326 1973 adopted by the security council at its 1691st meeting, of 2 february 1973. Decides that, immediately and concurrently with the ceasefire, negotiations shall start between the parties concerned under appropriate auspices aimed at establishing a just and durable. This was a resolution adopted during the 37th session of the human rights council extending the mandate of the commission on human rights in south sudan for an additional year and requests an oral. United nations security council resolution 338 wikipedia. The security council, recalling its resolutions 338 1973 of 22 october 1973 and 339 1973 of 23 october 1973. United nations personnel, including members of the panel of experts established by paragraph 24 of resolution 1973 2011 and modified by resolutions 2040 2012, 2146 2014, 2174 2014, 22 2015 and this resolution the panel and decides that such acts may also include but are not limited to planning, directing or. United nations sres1970 2011 security council distr general 26 february 2011 1124558 e 1124558 resolution 1970 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6491st meeting, on 26 february 2011 the security council, expressing grave. United nations s res2441 2018 security council distr general 5 november 2018 resolution 2441 2018 adopted by the security council at its 8389th meeting, on 5 november 2018 the security council, recalling the arms embargo, travel ban, assets freeze and measures concerning.